rape apologia, sexism

  • pocket_tofu [she/her,fae/faer]
    2 years ago

    rape and sexual assault

    mentioned in the following paragraphs:

    This article applies also to all the hexbros here who spread apologia for rape and sexual assault but act like they're mere bumblers who have no ability or responsibly to check the accusation before spreading apologia and triggering victims on this site, and then acting like it's the victims' fault for getting upset instead of their fault for parroting misogynistic rape culture.

    "I didn't know" is not an excuse. "I trusted such and such talking head" is not an excuse. "My friends all minimized it, so I figured the victim actually did suck" is not an excuse.

    If you find yourself denigrating sexual assault victims for not saying no loud enough, often enough, or phrased to your liking, you should check yourself. If you find yourself smearing sexual assault victims without knowing any of the actual accusations, merely repeating what sexists around you say, check yourself. If you've posted online about what a joke and liar a victim is, and upset other victims, and if you consider yourself a leftist or a feminist or ally, your priority should be apologizing and learning to do better.

    Your priority should not be to convince everyone you're a bumbler who can't be held accountable for the things you've said. Your priority should not be to attack those who were triggered or hurt by the things you chose to say.

    We all make mistakes, but choosing to smear victims based on sexist intuition is a choice. Choosing to defend someone who heard their victim's "no" over and over is a choice. Attacking ppl who get triggered when you smear sexual assault victims is a choice.

    If you make a mistake, apologize. It's really that simple. You don't need to "set the record straight" that you're a big baby bumbler who can't ever be held accountable for your actions. Be better, dudes

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    dae boys will be boys :so-true: :solidarity: :grillman:

    • aoulone [love/loves,ey/em]
      2 years ago

      all boys are children all children are girls all girls want to be boys (look it up. it's freud.) hence all boys are boys