
    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      2 years ago

      The American people have no say in the national policies.

      Policies don't spring from the soil fully-formed. Someone is implementing them. Someone is administering them. Someone is funding them. In America, all those people are Americans.

      If Americans want a say in domestic policy, they can have it. They just have to... like... get together and do things to implement their own political vision.

      How many wars have the American people managed to stop?

      Wars are incredibly lucrative and have huge economic incentives behind them. Nixon was a shit, but he was right about the Silent Majority. Anti-War protesters make a bunch of noise. But the noise they make isn't representative of their clout. Often, its the opposite. After all, if you're getting what you want, there's no reason to complain.

      The American People aren't a uniform group. They are a motley assortment of regional communities and corporate offices and social interest groups. And they degree to which they are engaged on a given issue, along with their polarity on that issue, varies significantly.

      At some level, its important to recognize how many people are complicit in the function of empire, how many are entirely apathetic, and how many are only in opposition verbally.

      • jkfjfhkdfgdfb [she/her]
        2 years ago

        If Americans want a say in domestic policy, they can have it. They just have to… like… get together and do things to implement their own political vision.

        like voting :maybe-later-kiddo: