My new boss invited me to go to lunch. Lunch turned out to be an awards luncheon for the downtown partnership where our group had a table. Comrades I have never seen so many faces of capital in my life. 1,000 suits and pantsuits that see the entire landscape around them as a vast frontier that they can exploit. 1,000 suits and pantsuits chowing down on salmon and applauding each other for finding the most creative and profitable ways for real estate capital to devour every untouched pocket of urban land in my city and be securitized and revitalized and gentrified to oblivion.

I don't know how we are going to resist this absolute monolith going forward but my feeling after today is pretty bleak.

  • RamrodBaguette [comrade/them, he/him]
    2 years ago

    The feudal lords of old had a similar outlook towards their fellow man, and they were even smaller in number compared to Capital. They thought themselves invincible and that they and their heirs would rule over the rabble indefinitely.

    Of course, we know how that ended up :gui-better:

    Contrary to what some think, history is still very much in the making. Conversely, this does not give us an excuse to be complacent.