The good news is that my vaccine seems to be doing a good job of keeping my case less severe. I don't feel too bad really, and the "test" line on my at home test got really really dark right away, which apparently means there were lots of antigens in my sample.

The bad news is I was supposed to play board games with my friends this weekend and now I can't go. :deeper-sadness:

ETA: When I made this post I was mostly just whining and not really expecting anyone to respond, but you guys responded with so much good advice and encouragement. This truly is the best place on the internet. I wish I could give you all a great big hug. :meow-hug:

And if this is all an elaborate prank by one fed with 1,000 alts, don’t tell me, I don’t wanna know. :comfy:

  • nabana [they/them]
    2 years ago

    I can confirm. I was in your situation earlier this year and it took a few days for me to start to feel it an then it was fairly mild thanks likely to being vaccinated, I hate using the comparison because of chuds but "a bad cold" is ballpark right with some fever and exhaustion to boot, but for a few weeks after it physically fucking wrecked me to do pretty much anything strenuous.

    If you've got an O2 meter (they sell them for like $20 at the pharmacy in America if someone can drop you off one) it's not a bad idea to monitor your oxygen levels. It just clamps on your finger gently with a digital display.

    If for any reason you do get hit hard an O2 meter can tell you for sure why you feel so shitty and you can evaluate medical attention based on that alone as unless your O2 drops you're not really in immediate danger. It can also be useful even just as a huge relief to keep any panic down if you feel worse than you expected, but your O2 is still fine.

    Stay safe stay hydrated and while you feel good it might be a good time to make a couple meals ahead for if/when you feel trash.

    O7 Kick it's ass comrade.

    P.S. The oxygen meter is called a pulse oximeter. They're not a super crazy wizard device or anything, in healthy people it's about as accurate as asking someone if they feel short on breath, but in unhealthy people who cant tell if they're breathing ok or if their heart rate is up and their oxygen is fine, or if something else is going on like fatigue, etc etc etc it can be useful to rule out "the scariest option".

    <3 GL Hope you recover quick.

    • TillieNeuen [she/her]
      2 years ago

      Thanks for all that! I hadn't really thought about getting an O2 meter, but now that you mention it, I think a friend of mine got one when she was sick. I'm sure she'd drop it off for me. Thanks again.