I want to get something inexpensive which would allow me to practice consistantly and build up some good shooting ability. What's y'alls recommendations?
I'm assuming something like a 10/22, where would I be able to get one for reasonable cost?
I want to get something inexpensive which would allow me to practice consistantly and build up some good shooting ability. What's y'alls recommendations?
I'm assuming something like a 10/22, where would I be able to get one for reasonable cost?
If 10/22 is a bit out of budget for a training gun, there's a handful of 22LR rifles in the $100-200 range, like the Rossi RS22. Although the Ruger 10/22 is generally a solid gun with good aftermarket support, some people think its cost has surpassed that value.
Personally if I'm spending 400+ on a gun I'd rather roll that into an AR-15 and get a 22LR conversion for it.
Heard good things about the TX22 if you want a 22LR handgun.
Another option is spend the amount you would spend on a training gun on a training course instead.