Hexbear gamedevs unite!

  • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    2 years ago

    A little bit. I never got too far with it, but I did a few experiments. It doesn't get showcased very much in the examples, but there is a lot you can do to extend the editor using GDScript to make all sorts of domain-specific tools. If you need some kind of height-map editor, procedurally generated geometry, or other forms of visual feedback, you can flag your scripts with the tool keyword and they will run live in the editor. The editor itself is designed fully with the same GUI system used by Godot games, so the sky is the limit here. For a little while I was working on creating 'scenes' to produce procedually generated geometric primitives. The only proof of concept I created was a cylinder where you could enter the radius, height, and number of sides, but it would take those inputs, compute a mesh, and it worked and updated live in in the editor when you dragged the sliders around.

    The C++ codebase is fairly approachable for a project of Godot's size, and without too much elbowgrease it is possible to create new types of nodes which can be used throughout your game.

    The last thing I worked on was a sort of trial in creating data-driven game objects and an interface where the user could attach them together arbitrarily. The long-term goal (which I will never get around to) was a libre clone of Kerbal Space Program and I was seeing if I could design a similar part/assembly system. for this test, everything (all three parts) were just 2D sprites and all you could do was snap them together.

    Anyway, I highly recommend the engine. The 2D graphics are state of the art, and the 3D graphics are sufficient for any indy game. The editor works on all of the important operating systems (Linux and BSD :garf-troll:), and the games will run on browsers, PCs (including MacOS), smartphones, and video game consoles (after taking performance and resource limitations into account, of course). The video game consoles and iOS obviously will require some proprietary shit which is not included though. For the most part, all the file formats created by Godot are designed to work well with revision control systems such as Git.

    • TheBroodian [none/use name]
      2 years ago

      A major point for me was being able to export my game to linux. So, huge +1 for Godot in that respect.