Fuck Nazis

    • American_Communist22 [she/her,comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      smh can't even get my fuckin bills remailed until the rent is due again, but in the soviet union, angry woman can mail stalin and get a tank in like a week during wartime

    • Vncredleader
      2 years ago

      It is awesome how many times random people wrote Stalin and got direct responses and policy passed. My man was a poster

        • Vncredleader
          2 years ago

          I am not sure off the top of my head about random civilians, but people not involved in government for sure.

          Page 232, letter 77 with Molotov https://archive.org/details/stalinslettersto0000stal/page/232/mode/2up

          The writer of "And Quiet Flows the Don" Sholokhov wrote about the conditions and abuses going on in his home region in Ukraine, Stalin sends people to investigate and arrests the two officials accused of abuse. Then requests they send the area an additional 80,000 poods of grain, and 40,000 to 50,000 to a neighboring area.

          The extra 40,000 to 50,000 means little to us, but is decisive right now for the populations of these two districts

          The footnotes are great and detail the investigation and reprimands.

          TBF Stalin liked him a lot, shit talking more strict Socialist Realist writers for lacking the power of his works, and Stalin would help him out when Yezhov was spying on him cause he was fucking his wife, and there is a cute story about him saving a bottle of wine Stalin gave him and opened it on Stalin's 60th birthday the same day he finished the 4th book in "And Quiet Flows the Don" writing to Stalin thanking him and letting him know he was celebrating him.

          Here is Stalin responding to someone giving him their Orders medal

          I have received your letter ceding me your second Order as a reward for my work.

          I thank you very much for your warm words and comradely present. I know what you are depriving yourself of in my favour and appreciate your sentiments.

          Nevertheless, I cannot accept your second Order. I cannot and must not accept it, not only because it can belong only to you, as you alone have earned it, but also because I have been amply rewarded as it is by the attention and respect of the comrades and, consequently, have no right to rob you.

          Orders were instituted not for those who are well known as it is, but mainly for heroic people who are little known and who need to be made known to all.

          Besides, I must tell you that I already have two Orders. That is more than one needs, I assure you.

          I apologise for the delay in replying.

          With communist greetings,

          J. Stalin

          P.S. I am returning the Order to where it belongs.

          J. Stalin