It's in everything now. It became like a museum exhibit to me seeing the most wild things. Wifi toaster WHYY? Like I knew about smart fridges but I was seeing like overly technical smart phone connectable kettles and like some griddle made for just bacon?? Whyyy
I'm just gonna start buying every single "dumb" appliance I see at goodwill thrifting from now on. I'll make a little collection and gift some to friends who want out of the techno hellscape too. I keep thinking about the absurd amount of lights and screens on things that have no reason to have one and how fast they'll likely break. All that shit will be in landfill in like 10 years max
i understand practical uses for some of these things. i bought a bluetooth food thermometer which is very nice when doing long cooks on the BBQ or oven. That solved a genuine issue about having to open up your bbq/oven and slowing the cook down to check temps while also being in another room doing whatever you need to do. It's just some of it is so unnecessary IMO. I mean if you truly need an app to do your toast and it works for you then do it but it's hard for me personally to ever need or want the application and deal with all the consequences of having faulty appliances. Regular toasters can last decades, some of the really old kind may not even break! But if you add some microchips to an appliance it's probably gonna break much easier. Also likely unrepairable for the vast majority of people.