There is ultimately nothing uniquely "unnatural" about someone born with XY chromosomes wearing a dress or wearing nail polish. AMAB people are not programmed to avoid those and are specifically told not to do that. Even if you're a cis dude, there is ultimately nothing (apart from angry idiots) stopping you from doing everything in you're power to resemble a woman, even if it's solely to see if you could do it.
If some races are doomed to be violent dumbasses, you, the "superior race" surrender your own free will too. If you don't think you do, then wouldn't it be embarrassing that according to nazis, da jooz, the sworn enemy of the white Christian, got the upper hand and control everything to make the world more just for all races, including the ones that were made for white people to push around? How embarrassing for the so-called "master race" to be out-maneuvered by their so-called "inferior". It also makes laughing at brown people for their alleged "inferiority" rather mean-spirited. If that's true, what does it say about the so-called "master race" if this is how they treat someone with bad luck?
I get that this is an abstract, but here's a study that finds that a lot of these IQ differences can be explained by environment. and I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but poverty fucks you up royally and not even white people are immune to it. Why do you think the "dumb redneck" stereotype is so ubiquitous?
The far-right, despite claiming Christian values. Do not believe in free will, it goes against their interests of having most of the human race to be their servants until they think it's particularly funny to exterminate them. If they genuinely believed that brown people were inferior to white people because of the bell curve, then they would also believe other studies that show that poverty is part of it. Ergo, by declaring a war on poverty, they could mitigate the damage their so-called "inferiors" could do. If they truly believed in free will, then they wouldn't call gender nonconformity "unnatural", they may see it as "rude" because it goes against certain norms, but not unnatural.
Sorry about the rant, it's just been something that has been bugging me for about a week as a proud free-will enjoyer. MFW I am a better individualist than so-called "rugged individualists".
Posts with lots of words are a leftist staple, but I will now forever associate them with BMF.