I had been aware of that tiny bit of Alexander in that mosaic there but had never seen the full thing, very stunning. Interesting how the depiction looks a bit different than the Apollonian figure we typically see him portrayed as. The portraits in that thread genuinely look incredible, the Roman art I was familiar with was typically very flat and rigid and pretty boring, so seeing something as realistic and beautiful as something that would come out of Renaissance Florence is a bit of a shock.
I wish we brought mosaics back as an art-form, they're pretty popular in Orthodox churches where I'm at but I feel like they have a lot more potential than just a boring portrayal of Saint Whoeverthefuck in a basic static pose. The socialist era mosaics that we have left over are a million times more stunning and animated with like a million colors, they looks really cool.
Fuck man art is so awesome, I wish I had the time to just sit down and study it all day :NOOOOO:
Very interesting, thank you!
I had been aware of that tiny bit of Alexander in that mosaic there but had never seen the full thing, very stunning. Interesting how the depiction looks a bit different than the Apollonian figure we typically see him portrayed as. The portraits in that thread genuinely look incredible, the Roman art I was familiar with was typically very flat and rigid and pretty boring, so seeing something as realistic and beautiful as something that would come out of Renaissance Florence is a bit of a shock.
I wish we brought mosaics back as an art-form, they're pretty popular in Orthodox churches where I'm at but I feel like they have a lot more potential than just a boring portrayal of Saint Whoeverthefuck in a basic static pose. The socialist era mosaics that we have left over are a million times more stunning and animated with like a million colors, they looks really cool.
Fuck man art is so awesome, I wish I had the time to just sit down and study it all day :NOOOOO: