I've been watching a dog adoption show and like every time there is a straight cis family looking for a dog the husband will inevitably pipe up and loudly declare that he wants a large, male dog. They don't want a small dog, because small dogs are "yappy, and more of an accessory than a 'real' dog"
Fuck these guys, all dogs are good. Even ones that look like this :scared: :egg-dog:
But also please adopt your pets from a rescue. All dogs derserve love and just because someone gave their tiny dog a sweater doesn't mean they think they're an item. Some dogs love dressing up. :comrade-doggo:
Being a relentles murder machine is a femenine trait at least in most large mamals. The male displays of agression are usually ritualistic and have no intent to seriously harm or kill. Trump is the best example of a human alfa male for that reason he is big, loud, brigthly colored, but cowardly and adverse to confrontation.
While a female figths for food or to defend her young. Wich are serious situations were there is solid intent to do harm.
you know and i know that, but to reactionaries violence is a huge part of how they conceptualize of masculinity
that's a big part of why most non-leftist men aren't really that enjoyable to be around tbh, at least in my experience