No idea if you do appeals

I sent this DM to avoid the impression on the part of that I was trying to publicly accuse them of being an alt just because we had a disagreement. Making it a DM establishes that it's personal banter.

If this is unacceptable, so be it, but 30 days ban for this waters down the definition of harassment a lot.

  • dannoffs [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Yeah, I think you need some time off. Go for a hike or something. I'm going kayaking on Saturday, maybe try something like that?

      2 months ago

      Thinly veiled insult. I do 30 min strength exercise (if you need more than that you're not lifting enough imo) 3x a week and go hiking once a week. Never seen anyone in the fitness comm here discuss routines or anything. Just "motivation" to work out.

      • dannoffs [he/him]
        2 months ago

        It wasn't veiled at all. I'm saying you're being really fucking weird and need to take time off the internet in general.