Short ep explaining the two year hiatus -- TL;DL: Spencer is gone, moved on to other projects, is still good friends with Mike. Mike lost two close friends to suicide. For Mike's part, after his callout of George Bush and several copycat people doing the same at every public speech, he became disgusted with the fact the videos went viral and focused too much on Mike's callout rather than Bush's war crimes, and decided to keep a lower profile. He was also busy doing other projects, Empire Files, film production, as well as organising The Troops against any possible invasion of Iran circa 2020 and after, and figured the role of Eyes Left was fulfilled by other groups like -- he plugs Hell of a Way to Die pod, Courage to Resist, and Left Flank Vets. The show is officially relaunched, albeit with a slightly different format as it's just Mike handling the bulk of the work.