Hideo even mentions Mao's Protracted People's War and i just feel fuzzy when i listen to this :smi

  • Tervell [he/him]
    2 years ago

    that story about Che going to Hiroshima... :kitty-cri: :rat-salute:

  • Theblarglereflargle [any]
    2 years ago

    So I gotta ask. Is this Kojima’s own admiration of Che being played through the characters. Or is this just another example of how Big Boss is misconstruing the beliefs of figures he admires in a way that they would despise in the same way he does with The Boss ?

    Because while he is here talking about how Che is a hero he’s doing stuff Che would despise. He is using child soldiers (yes Paz isn’t really a kid but they don’t know that at the time and Chiko is) he claims to be creating an army without a nation when mother base clearly is that complete with nuclear deterrence they claim to despise, all while profiting off of any and all conflicts that can afford their services for either side.

    Idk one of my fave parts of metal gear is how if you take a step back Big Bosse’s descent into evil is pretty clear to see. But while playing you don’t because you’re seeing it through his perspective