holy shit that fucking tweet at 15:30, "nothing was risked and nothing was gained", my dude this is a fucking video game, NOTHING IS RISKED BY DEFINITION OF IT BEING A FUCKING GAME

shit like this makes the various "you die in the game you die in real life" movie/anime plots seems not even that out there, gamers would ABSOLUTELY sign up in droves for a game like that just so they can brag about how badass and hardcore they are, "you casual gamers don't even face the risk of actually dying, lol scrub"

  • Tervell [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Yet these chumps are almost never part of a speedrunning community

    one of the replies to that tweet was

    Gaming is all about growth and evolution. You gain nothing by taking shortcuts, that's why I fucking hate Speedrunners

    which is just such a profoundly stupid take, and so thoroughly ignorant of the amount of skill and in-depth game knowledge speedrunning actually involves. Even a mediocre speedrunner's probably going to have a far deeper understanding of the game's mechanics and all the little quirks of its engine than any one of these dipshits, since you pretty much need to in order to actually be able to do the various skips and tricks necessary. Just... truly amazing :galaxy-brain: