And then the Iranians got real real mad, and then the Iranians fired ballistic missiles at a US base in Iraq and kinda missed on purpose but not really, and The Troops stationed there were unscathed but got brain damage from being so close to the blast, and then it turned out the US and Iran were communicating through a Swiss back channel to arrange a "proportionate" counter-response to each other, and then Trump tweeted that everything was fine, and the libs got mad he didn't immediately invade Iran over what amounted to Havana Syndrome for The Troops and then everything got buried over COVID?

That was pretty fucked up when you think about it

EDIT: Oh YEAH -- AND THEN the Iranians got real paranoid and on high alert and ended up shooting down one of their own airliners on accident the same day, in a sick sort of mirroring of the USS Vincennes incident

    • Straight_Depth [they/them]
      2 years ago

      The real tragedy a was horrific set of coincidences and genuine fuckups -- the Iranian military was on high alert expecting a US counter-attack, some radar operator or another makes an error and by coincidence some poor airliner full of Canadians, Ukranians and Iranians gets deleted in mid-air.

      The Iranians really took a lot of Ls that January, what with Soleimani's death, 50 something people getting trampled to death in his hometown at his funeral procession, and then the airliner shootdown by their own military killing nearly another hundred plus of their own people. Just a terrible month all around.

    • PROMIS_ring [he/him]
      2 years ago

      I remember there was some speculation that the AA targetting or comms or something were compromised and the Iranians were basically 'tricked' into firing