And then the Iranians got real real mad, and then the Iranians fired ballistic missiles at a US base in Iraq and kinda missed on purpose but not really, and The Troops stationed there were unscathed but got brain damage from being so close to the blast, and then it turned out the US and Iran were communicating through a Swiss back channel to arrange a "proportionate" counter-response to each other, and then Trump tweeted that everything was fine, and the libs got mad he didn't immediately invade Iran over what amounted to Havana Syndrome for The Troops and then everything got buried over COVID?

That was pretty fucked up when you think about it

EDIT: Oh YEAH -- AND THEN the Iranians got real paranoid and on high alert and ended up shooting down one of their own airliners on accident the same day, in a sick sort of mirroring of the USS Vincennes incident

  • Wheaties [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    There were some liberal pundits in the news that were cheering on the drone strikes, even when the party establishment reflexively spoke out against it. If it wasn't swallowed up by the next week's news cycle, we probably would have seen more of the party members repeating talking points they got from television.

    • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
      2 years ago

      Some pundits with 24 hours to fill talking about "looking presidential" at a press conference is not the same as actual politicians (or rank-and-file libs) calling for an invasion. And we know they wouldn't have changed their tune had we gotten closer to war, because they kept hounding Trump for this through the summer even as the news cycle moved on (the House voted to repeal the AUMF, which was floated as a justification of the assassination, in June).

      Revisionist history will make you show your ass when you're talking to the libs in your life. Despite their best efforts, Democrats do not get every single issue wrong.

      • Wheaties [comrade/them]
        2 years ago

        I suppose it's a good thing I'm bringing it up as a counter-factual hypothetical online, rather than asserting it as truth in the real world.

        • 420blazeit69 [he/him]
          2 years ago

          People sometimes say things they get off the internet in real life. It's good to be accurate, or at least not take issue when someone else is.