• copandballtorture [ey/em]
    21 days ago

    Just want to say I was putting together a wagon/cart thing today and the "table top" mounts were "press to fit" where you wedge a peg of plastic through a narrow plastic hole. It was miserably hard, and the hard plastic edges dug hard into my hand, leaving bruises. Remembering these articles, I went and grabbed some dish soap, lubed the pegs, and they pressed to fit much easier. When my wagon's accelerator gets stuck and the door plug pops out, I'll know it was the dish soap's fault

  • Elon_Musk [none/use name]
    20 days ago

    Dish soap is commonly used to aid in fitting parts. Especially rubber seals. The Boeing dishsoap thing was later approved by the FAA.

    I have not seen the full design of the cyber truck pedal but it looks like a massive design flaw. Dish soap or not the pedal cover should have multiple positive locking tabs

    • @DamarcusArt@lemmygrad.ml
      20 days ago

      Soap is useful as a lubricant because it is cheap, accessible and water soluble. Which makes it great for when you need to lubricate something but also want to prevent dust and grime buildup on it and have it be easy to wash.

  • sloth [none/use name]
    20 days ago

    If it's good enough for baby ducks its good enough when I don't give a fuck.