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  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 years ago

    Cool. I'll tell all the teenagers in abusive homes they have to wait two more years before they're no longer legal property of their parents.

    I think 25 year olds are full adults

    But a 21 year old consentingly fucking a 19 year old is rape? Or two 18 year olds fucking are raping each other?


      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        2 years ago

        You can rent cars before 25. That's not a law. It's a limit imposed by insurance companies. The 21 year old drinking age was an entirely unprecedented imposition of federal power that only passed because the feds withheld highway funding from any state that didn't comply. The drinking age is 18 in most of the world and drinking alcohol is even less consequential and harmful than having a 25 year old dick in you when you're 18.

        "Oh yeah the law says that gay sex is a crime and you could go to jail for it, and that having a condom in your purse is evidence of you're a prostitute and you can go to jail for it, or being a transwoman and just existing is both illegal female impersonation and evidence you're a prostitute and you could go to jail for it, and selling or owning sex toys is a crime and you could go to jail for it, and holding hands if you're not married is a crime and you could go to jail for it, and and and and and and and and and and and, but it's not a problem because it's never been a problem for me and I don't know anyone who has personally had their life destroyed by freaks who can't respect the autonomy of other people".

        These things have consequences. Your ignorance of the violence inflicted by the state doesn't change that.