
The context of the reddit thread was discussing how to best make money from AI generators btw

    • vccx [they/them]
      2 years ago

      The users don't matter here

      You must destroy AI because eventually it will probably replace doctors for 99% of daily functions and that 1% a new function of being completely devoid of compassion and experiencing no trauma from denying people care (total insurance company surveillance) and having no qualms with slowly pushing medically assisted euthanasia onto welfare and disability queens, as described by tech bros unproductive surplus members of society

      You can already see how AI management at Amazon warehouses and Uber treat people

      Anything that previously required a human face can be replaced with an algorithm with an infinite capacity to immiserate you beyond everything you've already experienced.

      If you've ever been on welfare or disability you can imagine the nightmare of having an AI case worker