I mean, It's bad art and all but it's here to stay, maybe this will make it harder for weirdos making a living off of drawing bad art i couldn't care less.

    • vccx [they/them]
      2 years ago

      Why would disabled artists fare any better when their field is being gutted, if anything disabled artists are going to be the first ones made redundant

        • vccx [they/them]
          2 years ago

          Weird pull for "why aren't you also upset about X workers" when you're talking about a field that gets thrown into the exact same 'feminine' barista/womens-studies/sexworker/artist/stay-at-home-parent jobs

          What's more likely, this one field being culled not being worth talking about or defending (a field that coincidentally found a haven in the Soviet Union) or a handful of self-described socialists having deep-rooted patriarchal programming coming through about what "real work" is and being happy some perceived cultural other is getting owned

            • vccx [they/them]
              2 years ago

              You're talking about a field that like half the world population would choose to work in under a socialist system? Even under horrible capitalist work conditions? Of course workers are going to be upset that the bottom 90% of workers are getting crushed.

              Should we not mourn when the GDR fishing coops were gutted just because it's a job that people genuinely liked doing or if it was made obsolete by fully autonomous robotic fishing trawlers?

                • vccx [they/them]
                  2 years ago

                  The job that a huge percentage of workers imagine retraining and escaping to, becoming realistically unattainable (or even the vast majority of commission artists that only work it as a second job) is a huge psychic loss for workers across every field

                  Every worker that would rather be a novelist, etc

                  I.e nobody genuinely expects a socialist revolution to happen in our lifetime but everyone can imagine escaping to a job they'd actually like or have wanted since they were children

    • vccx [they/them]
      2 years ago

      RIP disabled people who can't afford human-driven taxis, transport workers just get a new job lmao