The majority of people are right handed, in the English language right has been synonymous with correct and good, from the right path to having the right left policies. Semantics are a battleground between the forces of communism and fascism, just like the internet, just like actual war with actual guns. Its just as important that we think critically about the way we speak as much as we discuss the use of force.

There has been real persecution of left handed peoe throughout history, our values stand in stark contradiction with persecution so we should call ourselves leftists for that reason alone. We should not call ourselves leftists because the origin of the term comes from the French revolution, it was very flawed event that failed to achieve much and its not worth idolization, but its not why we should keep calling ourselves leftists.

To be left, to be correct. That is all that is important in this world, it should be your defining character trait as a person, that you are left, and that those who oppose you are right. So why don't we start using the word right and synonymous with wrong? Many people doubted that signaling pronouns would catch on and now they are stated by people who are apathetic to the leftist cause in their twitter bio.

Its time that right means wrong! Left power!