I mean obviously everyone on here knows that McKinsey is a despicable company that perpetuates untold social ills, but I didn't really grasp the extent to which McKinsey shaped modern corporate culture. Reading about the actual process of how McKinsey exerts startling levels of influence and getting detail examples of how it is responsible for individual deaths (oh be ready for that) fills me with unbridled rage and morbid curiosity. I'm usually a very slow reader (like 10-20 pages a day) but I've read 85 pages of this book in the last 2 days and have to force myself to do other things. If ya wanna be heated, read it.

Oh there's a part about how McKinsey consulted for China to help build those artificial islands while also contracting with the pentagon but I haven't got there yet.

EDIT: Just read the part on China and well, it reads exactly as you'd expect from a contemporary liberal journalist. They have an incentive to make the Chinese government sound as bad as possible so McKinsey seems even worse for contracting with them, but they still mention everything you usually hear (Tiananmen square, Uighurs, one line about how China's police are "unrestrained" and can do whatever they want because there is "no rule of law...")