Buckley? More like Fuckley. Hah gottem.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    Its so fucking insane that

    (A) Tucker Carlson's son isn't automatically admitted to any US college of his choosing, under the "My dad spent half his life shilling for the corporate overlords and the CIA". Nevermind him just cutting the school a six-figure "endowment".

    (B) Hunter fucking Biden has the magic turn-key that opens the door to Georgetown. Who the fuck cares about a letter of recommendation from this guy? What clout could he possibly have that Tucker doesn't already?

    (C) These two are trading favors via personal email, when it is literally Tucker Carlson's job to spam "Hunter Biden Dick Pick" in his headlines every night.

    Like, I get the whole "big club, not in it" thing. But holy fuck. How does any of this make any sense?