Once upon a time, in a land far away, There was a kind comrade named Sam-I-Am, He believed in a world where all people were free, Where everyone shared and no one was greedy.

Sam-I-Am walked through the town with a spring in his step, Holding a plate of green eggs and ham, "Try them, try them, you'll see," he said with a smile, "They're delicious and nutritious, just give them a while."

But the people just scowled and shook their heads no, "Communism is bad, we want things we can own," But Sam-I-Am didn't give up, he knew he was right, "Just try the green eggs and ham, they'll make your day bright."

So he tried them on a train and on a boat, He tried them in a house and with a goat, And everywhere he went, the people would say, "These green eggs and ham are amazing, hurray!"

In the end, the people learned to share and to care, And thanks to Sam-I-Am, the town was fair, So if you're ever in doubt, just remember this tale, Communism is good, and so are green eggs and ham, without fail.

This was created by that chat GBT thing

:mao-wave: :lenin-laugh: :marx-goth: