Meanwhile back in reality land: China enjoys good relationships and win-win co-operation with the global majority and in addition has made itself indispensable to the western world which can complain and moan all it wants but still has to buy China's products.

Anyway here's the link if you want to bother reading this garbage:

  • flan [they/them]
    2 months ago

    Yet all isn’t well. Chinese coast guard ships and maritime militia have harassed Philippine vessels trying to reinforce their sailors on the Second Thomas Shoal, which Beijing and Manila both claim. The People’s Liberation Army Air Force continues to fly across the Taiwan Strait median-line on a regular basis. The China-India border dispute in the Himalayas, meanwhile, remains unsolved four years after troops clashed in the area.

    These are the best examples you have of China being an "enemy to the world"? Minor local territorial disputes with casualties in the tens?

        2 months ago

        To be fair, I'm pretty sure that chiropractic treatment is mostly a pseudo-science, so I wouldn't advocate for a neoliberal being given more of that

          2 months ago

          A fair percentage is, I would guess the majority. You can have chiropractors who actually have some medical background, often in PT, and may know better what is safe to do but a lot of them don't. My mother was an orthopedic radiologist and saw a lot of patients coming in who had been seriously hurt by chiropractors.

  • D61 [any]
    2 months ago

    "China is the enemy of the world..."

    This dude's critiera for who is "the world" us-foreign-policy

    2 months ago

    Meanwhile most of the world: The Belt and Road is rad. We'd like to participate.

    Meanwhile a good chunk of countries: BRICS is fucking neat. How do i join?

    China really has no friends 😘

    2 months ago

    Fuck off and jump into a volcano feet first you imperialist pieces of shit. I have seen men run over by tanks, toddlers collected in grocery bags, bodies with hands zip tied bulldozed at a hospital and a thousand other ghastly images. This isn't about me, what I mean to say is the WORLD outside of perhaps a handful of elite crackers has also seen this shit and know china isn't responsible for it.

    Sometimes I think that abu ghraib wasn't leaked as much as it was publicized to show what the empire can do without the oppressed having any recourse.

      2 months ago

      Literally i can't think of a single country other than China that has such good relations with almost the entire non-western world.

    2 months ago

    That is just outright untrue. I swear if I didn't become a hardcore leftist and actually look into this shit, I'd probably believe that China is literally Mordor and everyone hates them and wants to fight them. Because the media tells a completely different story from reality.

      2 months ago

      I had a period of time where I just kind of bought the "Teh evil CCP!" line myself, when I was a younger SocDem (I got better). I never had the fervent hate of China that these people do, which probably is why I got out of it, but I had just kind of accepted the whole "Chinese government is bad" line at face value. Yes, I was one of those "Hate the government, not the people" idiots. This was back before China was the crux of half of their fearmongering though and I had just absorbed some of the poison before my critical thinking finally kicked in.

      It was a dark time.

  • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
    2 months ago

    Lol this is on the level of "I was just thinking about my hundreds of boyfriends"from the Oblongs

    2 months ago

    I feel like USians by and large used to realize the rest of the world hated us (for our freedumbs, granted)

    2 months ago

    s/China/USA/g and you get the truth.

    Why do they love projecting so much? I've seen them doing this many times before: oppression and genocide of Muslims, censorship, violating privacy, misinformation and propaganda, spying, interference, etc. All the things the US and its allies accused others of doing (without proofs), they are guilty of them themselves (with proofs).