Shout out to the four corners in the Navajo nation. The world's most geographicaly exciting empty field!
three nations did not want to lose their soverign rights to equal thirds of this small lake. what is in the lake.
Just made for a good border-point, really.
This is all imagined though as I refuse to recognize the sovereignty of Finland and Norway - long live the Great Swedish Empire
Isn't it supposed to be a pile of rocks there? (Treriksröset) Or is it this block that is that's named Treriksröset? But a "röse" is supposed to be a like of rocks?
Cement is kind of a big pile of rocks if you think about it. And yes, that is Treriksröset.
If you slip, fall and hit your head and loose conciousness during that, in a way such that you are lying exactly on the border between two or three nations, to which hospital will you be brought? And how are insurances going to deal with this?
No worries, any of these three countries will take you without quibbling over who pays what.