You really think you’re something huh? Strutting up and down the site like a cartoon dictator. Your insolence and sanctimonious self-righteousness knows no bounds. You’re a real fucking genius, huh? Glory be to UlyssesT, the holy moral authority of Hexbear Dot Net. You’re almost like the Confucius of Hexbear - trite bullshit disguised as sage wisdom and mindlessly quoted and repeated by the rest of the braindead tailist flock. Your “morality” is nothing more than a Nazi kangaroo court, you fascist fuck. You think you’re a philosopher? You’re nothing more than a Confucian-Hitlerian manchild.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    2 years ago

    :warf-wtf: Those wrecker alts are Hexbear posters. And it is a long story.

    :what: What happened? Some kind of social engineering?

    :sus-soviet: A cognitohazard?

    :warf-wtf: We do not discuss it with outsiders.