no way those are real. it looks like a transmutation of a cricket and a millipede and it goes way to fast. what the hell happened to my tolerance I used to love bugs :shrek-pixel-despair
no way those are real. it looks like a transmutation of a cricket and a millipede and it goes way to fast. what the hell happened to my tolerance I used to love bugs :shrek-pixel-despair
Yeah they're spooky. At least they eat the silverfish.
Don't they eat other insects as well? I remember reading that it's good not to remove them from your home.
Yeah and they're hunters so they'll actively hunt and kill things bigger than them, unlike a lot of predatory insects.
Human is bigger than centipede :scared:
As long as you're not allergic to them, the most they can do to you aside from scaring you to death is give you a little sting that gives you a little red bump that doesn't itch
Centipedes are my new best friends, I hate silverfish