Hi, I'm also trying to learn to draw, like I_HATE_JOHN_CALVIN, who's beautiful birbs inspired me to post some of my progress. Here's Lenin, some birbs, a predator, and some women. Been drawing with Krita everyday for 22 days so far. Everything is from reference image, not good enough to be original. Is there a thing with commies and birds what the hell CALVIN?
I had some practice in the past, about a month of really going through that drawing on the right side of your brain book. But i let it slip and this is my second try, really trying to stick with it this time. I think my advantage is having experience playing around with photoshop as a kid. I'm still not that good at actually drawing. Like I can't draw a straight line to save my life without hitting ctrl Z 15 times straight, but I have a pretty good grasp of Krita and am good at using it to my advantage. Devouring a ton of tutorials helps too. David Revoy has some great ones , i think he's one of the krita developers, and i think you will surprise yourself how good it comes out of you try them