You can in all 50 states I believe, legally purchase weed with THC that will get you high. It won't be the regular Delta 9 THC that you normally think of when you think of THC. It will be THCA

THCA can be thought of as the precursor chemical to weed. Remember when people said eating weed wouldn't get you high, you have to heat it up first? Thats a process called decarboyxlation which converts the THCA to Delta-9-THC which is the fun fun giggly stuff. So the main chemical in weed that gets you high is technically this THCA, because all you need to do is heat the weed to convert it to Delta-9-THC.

The 2018 farm bill made it so that you cannot sell any hemp or cannabis product with more than 0.3% Delta-9-THC by weight, however THCA is completely legal and unregulated.

So therefore there are now companies selling weed that has very little (below 0.3%) or no Delta-9-THC, but with very high (20+% ) THCA, thus making purchasing these products federally legal. Its only a matter of time before prices start to plummet and things start to get really funky with experimentation.

Do lots of research before making a purchase but more information can be found at - and -

  • booty [he/him]
    2 years ago

    I keep heating up dandelions but they still don't get me high. What am I doing wrong???