I'm 32 I really cannot eat like I did in my early 20s anymore. Same way I simply cannot handle alcohol without a massive hangover the next day.

Ate a whole bag of hot chips and had 4 taco bell hardshell tacos for dinner last night. Now my face is all puffy and round from the shit sodium they put in manufactured garbage.

This stuff really does effect your mental health if you consume too much of it.

  • MemesAreTheory [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    Sodium used to be very sparse in our diets, so we find it super tasty and retain it incredibly well. Potassium used to be abundant, so we find it less tasty and shed it extremely easily. Modern processed diets turn this relation on its head, though.

    If you find it hard to reduce your sodium consumption, one thing that helps is at least balancing it by boosting your intake of other electrolytes like potassium and magnesium too. There's some supplements/powders that are sodium free but high in other electrolytes, and while I don't hate those, I personally find a can of low-sodium V8 juice a fairly effective way to boost that balance. Low calorie, low sodium, and it has 25% of your daily recommended intake of potassium per serving. My heart and circulation feels better, I get less headaches, and I feel a lot less bloated even when I eat too much sodium. Try it out and see if you find it helps! Your kidneys have to work overtime when the balance is off, and it of course takes its toll on cardiac health too.

    From one slowly but surely aging sack of meat to another, I hope you find solutions and patterns of living that work for you :)