• ALoafOfBread@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    At various parks, including in Wyoming, I have seen tourists:

    1. approach a bison (within 15 ft or so) while holding a toddler. Multiple other people approaching bison. Bison can weigh over a ton and can be aggressive.

    2. take a selfie with and then attempt to touch a male elk on its head. It was in a herd and actually charged them but didn't fully commit and hurt them - just scared them (but not enough imo)

    3. dozens of people taking severe risks when hiking in remote areas. In the desert, 10 miles out when it's 90f+ wearing sandals with no water and no cover. Rushing by other hikers on a <2ft wide ledge with a 300ft sheer drop while wearing sandals and carrying their young child in a bulky carrier on their back, etc.

    4. getting within 25ft or so of a male moose to get a picture, moose was visibly agitated. Moose weigh about a half ton and can be quite aggressive.

    5. large group of people following black bear female with cubs, on foot, for pictures - like 50ft back but still too close for their safety and for the bear's safety, especially when they're following it.

    Frighteningly many people have zero respect for nature, treat national parks like theme parks, and put themselves, animals, and their children at risk for no good reason in situations that are 100% avoidable.

    • Jo Miran@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      PSA for those reading the above comment: Do not fuck with moose bulls, especially during the summer. They are very willing to fuck your shit up. Bears are a known danger, but people always underestimate moose aggression.