Some teenagers broke into a vacant property on my block and were destroying the place. They broke all the windows were running around and smashing holes in the wall. I feel bad because acab but I didn't know what to do. I don't particularly want kids destroying my block and I talked to my neighbor who lived next door and he seemed legit scared about the situation. I don't feel like confronting them would have been safe since it would have been many of them and one of me.

Could I have done something different?

Update I don't even know if the police ended up coming but it quieted down within 10 minutes of my call. A couple cars were broken into and one was stolen.

  • HauntedBySpectacle [he/him, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Past posts like these I've actually been pretty sympathetic to the person who did so because it was something serious like domestic abuse or another violent situation. But you called the cops on some teenagers in a vacant property just off bad vibes? Fuck you narc lol

    If it was really bothersome you really could have just told them to leave. They're teens, what are they gonna do? Shoot you? You're scared of them, give me a fucking break. Just like the uniformed piggies you're petrified by some 13 year olds. Same mindset, Christ

    • ClimateChangeAnxiety [he/him, they/them]
      1 year ago

      I’ve only called the cops twice in my life. Once it was because two homeless people were physically fighting and one of them looked directly at me and shouted “Call the police call the police!”

      The other time a couple came out of their front door shouting, and the man took the woman’s phone, chucked it in the yard, and then pushed her to the ground before slamming the door, then she went back in and the shouting continued. That one I still feel iffy about, I worry the cops showing up might’ve just made things worse.

    • NorthStarBolshevik [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      I guess I'm just a lib. I wouldn't say smashing all the windows and walls is just "bad vibes". I know it's just property but we have to live here and smashing up something for shits and giggles that could potentially be housing isn't really helping anyone.

      Yes, I'm scared of any potential conflict when everyone and their mother is armed.

      • HauntedBySpectacle [he/him, comrade/them]
        1 year ago

        I'm not saying what they did was fine, but calling the police is just asking for them to be funneled into the criminal justice system for something they'd probably never do as adults. The odds of a group of teenagers being strapped is pretty damn low almost anywhere. If you were really that scared to handle it yourself, you could've gone with the neighbor you talked to.