Like I don't actually buy these people are this ignorant of the words coming out of their own mouth, I think they know it's a stupid argument but since they're Lib economists they have to keep the bit up to make sure they can get back to brunch.

  • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
    17 days ago

    They're all delusional, here's some choice bits from Paul "Fucking Dumbass" Krugman:

    Now, I go grocery shopping myself, and am occasionally startled by the total at the cash register — although that’s usually because I wasn’t factoring in the price of that bottle of scotch I picked up along with the meat and vegetables. But I also sometimes think about what I paid for roughly the same stuff three years ago, and the truth is that I have no idea. I know that it was less, but off the top of my head I can’t tell you by what percentage. And if you say you can, forgive me for having doubts.

    Was stuff cheaper in the past? Sure, but if you remember how cheap it was you're probably lying. Plus we're all just buying a few too many bottles of expensive scotch, right???

    I was trying to find another Krugman piece, but it turns out he's always writing stupid shit like this. The one I wanted to find had him quoting official inflation numbers, then demonstrating his wisdom by getting into the nuts and bolts of what they're measuring - like the specific consumer goods and grocery items - and removing anything whose price has gone up a lot and replacing it with an item whose price had only slightly risen. All "nobel" economics prize winners should be beaten, tarred, feathered, and then forced to work a cash register for the rest of their lives.

    • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
      17 days ago

      zero chance paul krugman grocery shops.

      he buys booze and maybe some steaks every so often, when he's going to have some assholes over and wants to stunt on them. his description makes it obvious. who goes to the store for "meat and vegetables". people who grocery shop buy beef, chicken, onions, bell peppers. and they can totally tell you what those things cost before covid. they can usually tell you what part of town and what type of beef/chicken cuts cost too.

      people who aren't paid 7 figures to post their rambling imaginings are making decisions to stay inside of a budget. they look at prices and they make behavioral changes based on them, so they damn sure remember changes over time. they switch from fresh to frozen, they change their diets, they change brands.

      • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
        17 days ago

        Even if you take him at his word that he's totally shopping regularly, no kidding some overpaid old man can't remember what stuff cost five years ago. It was inconsequential to him and he's aging. Gotta smash out an opinion piece on a schedule though so... POST

    • Wertheimer [any]
      17 days ago

      Now, I go grocery shopping myself

      Sing along with the common people

      Sing along and it might just get you through

    • Maoo [none/use name]
      17 days ago

      PS Krugman won a Nobel Prize in Economics. He is the cream of the crop when it comes to liberal economists.

      • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
        17 days ago

        this is why he should be beaten, tarred, feathered, and then forced to work a cash register for the rest of his life

    • huf [he/him]
      16 days ago

      welp, there it is. we cant remember what stuff cost 3 years ago and since nobody knows how to write, we have no records. it's impossible to know anything. did last tuesday even happen?

  • AcidLeaves [he/him, he/him]
    17 days ago

    God bless China and their manufacturing prowess for their fight against inflation in favor of the American working class

  • @whatup
    16 days ago

    Next video: why TVs are actually nutritious and filling.

  • QuietCupcake [any, they/them]
    17 days ago

    One of the extremely rare cases where I've ventured into the comment section on youtube and was shocked to find mostly good, correct takes.