I made the mistake of drinking a bunch of moscato before bed last night (it was delicious!) and then going to sleep. All was well until the nightmares started. I dreamed that my landlord had gone through my room and my internet history, judging everything I did, and all of my friends were agreeing with him. I dreamed that the move-out date had changed to be much earlier and all my roommates were moving out. I was going to be evicted. I started screaming at my landlord about how the fuck they got into all my things, started thinking that this couldn't be happening, and eventually convinced myself that it couldn't. I woke myself up through sheer force of will. Trying to go to sleep after that was just going through a list of all of my anxieties over and over.

Fuck landlords and fuck the surveillance state, hope none of you comrades have a nightmare this bad.