
          • RATMachinespirit [he/him,they/them]
            1 year ago

            hmm, that seems like you have a point. would you mind illuminating the intent behind your words for the sake of the general audience? Surely, there is at least one, who...unlike me....is in possession of a foggy mind in which your intent is unclear?

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    1 year ago

    The universe is the entirety of space and time, as well as all the matter and energy within it. It is thought to have originated with the Big Bang, a massive explosion that occurred approximately 13.8 billion years ago. The universe has been expanding ever since and continues to expand today.

    Within the universe, there are a variety of structures, including galaxies, stars, planets, and other celestial bodies. These structures are held together by the force of gravity, which is caused by the presence of matter and energy.

    Scientists believe that the universe is composed of a variety of different forms of matter and energy, including dark matter and dark energy. These forms of matter and energy are difficult to detect directly, but their presence can be inferred by observing the effects they have on the movement of celestial bodies.

    The study of the universe is known as cosmology, and it is a field of research that continues to evolve as new discoveries are made and new technology is developed.

    It's worth noting that there are different theories and models that scientists use to explain the universe, like the inflationary Big Bang theory and the steady state model. The most widely accepted one is the Big Bang model, which is supported by a large body of observational evidence.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    1 year ago

    okay, but CW:Sexual Content


    a talent agent he's sitting in his office, and an American family walks in. A father, a mother, son and daughter, and a big fluffy dog. the family has blonde hair and blue eyes and bright skin and the talent agent looks up and goes "alright let's see what you do." so the father drops his pants and takes off his shirt, he's totally naked, he undresses his wife, starts fucking his wife on the floor. Then the Son drops his pants takes his shirt off and then his sister also takes all her clothes off and the Son and the daughter start fucking on the floor - and the dog is pissing on them.

    Then the mother turns around and starts blowing the son, the father starts fist fucking the daughter in the ass - the father just for your information is an ex-marine who has really muscular arms, the type with the tattoo of a battleship on it and you know and he looks like he just ate a can of spinach type arm - and he's fist fucking the daughter in the ass as the daughter is licking out her brother's asshole and the brother at the time is chewing on the dogs balls.

    now the dog starts fucking the mother, and he's fucking the the mother while the mother is eating out my little girls asshole while she is fistfucking her brother in the ass. then the father starts fucking his son in the ass, as the son is eating his mother's removed, as the mother is eating the daughter's removed, as the daughter is blowing the dog, and with his big fist the father fist fucks the dog in the ass. now the son breaks off a link from one of the chairs and shoves it up his sister's asshole and it starts fucking her with it as the father takes a leg it shoves it into her removed as the mother is licking out the father's asshole as the mother is eating the dog's ass.

    now the dog takes a tremendous shit on the floor, and the son walks in with cables out of the trunk of a car - like jumper cable - so he attaches the jumper cables to his father's balls and starts running electricity through them as he's licking out his father's ass as the father's eating his daughter out as he's fucking the dog in the ass, and then the Son climbs up on a table, puts a noose around his neck, and he cums and through autoerotic asphyxiation.

    so the son is there and he's shooting cum and the mothers blowing him and the daughters blowing the dog, and then the mother and daughter take two rats and shove them in their removed and the rats are chewing the insides of their removed and blood is coming out and then that of course makes the father and son very horny and they put in their dicks and now rats are chewing on their dick so now like cum and dick blood is pouring out of their removed. now the son, who has been cut down from the noose is squeezing his pimples into its mother's removed and it's like filled with pimple juice and he starts shoving his face in and eating it out.

    now the daughter squeezes our blackheads all over a father's dick and the dog shits on the dick and then the son and the daughter start blowing the father with the shit in the blackheads on his dick and now their faces covered with shit and piss and come and sweat. Now the two rats get pulled out of the removed and they're shooting cum and then blowing the rats and their faces get covered with rat cum and then shit and piss and rat cum and a little sweat.

    then that the father takes a tremendous shit on the floor and the mother pulls out her glass eye and the son starts fucking her in the eye socket and fills up her eye socket with red cum and rat shit and rat piss and the dead rats and he starts fucking her in the eye socket and then the dog I bites the rats heads off and the father starts fucking the rats in the neck.

    and believe it or not, the father with these enormous arms is able to fist fuck a rat in the asshole because they have amazingly elasticity in a rat's asshole. and they're fucking and sucking for like five hours, and shit and cum and pimple pus and blackheads and sweat, and then afterwards they stand up and they take bow.

    and the talent agent, nonplussed by this goes "hmm that's an interesting act you have there, what do you call yourself? and they say "the aristocrats!"

  • Wheaties [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    In a universe with consistent physical laws and time, expect to see an equilibrium of forces. Stars and planets and orbits and such may seem too precise to have been spontaneous, but it's really just survivorship bias. Nothing else lasts as long.

    Life is a kind of "running equilibrium", balance that begets more balance. Such a configuration may be unlikely, but with enough time - so much time you may as well pretend it's infinite time - the presence of life should not come as a surprise. Once you have life, cooperation is inevitable. It's the maximally efficient strategy. It emerges, stage by stage. Each stage is a little different from the stage that came before, because it’s comprised of the results of the previous stage...

    In our universe, on our world, life takes the form of discrete, individual cells. Precisely how this came about is a very interesting question. It will probably still be an interesting question when you and I are long dead. Sufficient to say, we have cells...

    Given enough generations of cells, eventually some of them will start to cooperate by accident. For the kind of cells that you and I are made of, the first stage of emerging cooperation is the mitochondria -- a cell that lives inside another, forming a reciprocal relationship. The little cell gets protection and a stable environment. The big cell gets complex molecules made by the little cell, which allows it to do more than its non-symbiotic counterparts. Some people say this symbiosis is the first “Great Filter”, a hurdle in the development of life that is unlikely to occur frequently. Sufficient to say, we have symbiotic cells...

    Given enough generations of symbiotic cells, eventually some of them will start to cooperate by accident. They cluster together, sharing resources and products -- as well as the work of gathering and producing. They are better able to resist predation, and better able to be predators themselves. The clusters start out small and undifferentiated. Mutation, reproduction, survival, and time changes this. Member cells of the group take on specialized tasks and begin to differentiate from their neighbors. The cluster of cells becomes more complex…

    Given enough generations of cell clusters, the result is no longer a single family of cells cooperating. This is an ecology unto itself, moving through the world. Other cells call this place home, have evolved to live in it specifically -- an environment made of other cells! And the specialization has really gotten out of hand. There are resource processing centers and chemical plants and factories and waste treatment facilities -- and all of it made of cells! There are canals and plumbing and pumps – made of cells - connecting everything together, with cells flowing through them. This is a city. There’s really nothing better to call it. A city where all the buildings and factories and vehicles are cells. There are even telescopes made of cells, collecting electromagnetic radiation from the outside world, delivering that information to… well… The city made of cells has a kind of government. Information, from every district and subset of the city, flows along chains (made of cells) to a nexus of cells where… something… happens. New information flows back along the chains. Work becomes coordinated. The city, somehow, believes itself to be a single organism. And by believing this, it becomes true.

    That’s absurd. Ridiculous. And yet it is. And it’s not even the final stage of emerging cooperation…

    Given enough generations of cell-cities, eventually some of them will start to communicate.