I thought this tagline was funny cuz they say AmErika. Erika is a shitty German war song about your sweety. As far as war songs about your sweety go, Erika is both fascist and pales in comparison to Katyusha, the best sweety war song.
I thought this tagline was funny cuz they say AmErika. Erika is a shitty German war song about your sweety. As far as war songs about your sweety go, Erika is both fascist and pales in comparison to Katyusha, the best sweety war song.
Dark eyed Cossack girl is my favorite sweetheart song because it isn't even about his sweetheart, it's about some girl stealing his horse. I love the commentary of the artist saying "oh wow she is charging so low for her labor, that's awful" then she runs off with it
Fuck a sweetheart, I'd fall for any lady stealing my ride