So I'm sick, I hate going to the doctor because I've had generally terrible experiences since transitioning. But I was doing so poorly that I was convinced to go and generally the urgent care treated me well. Then I go to the pharmacy for a single connected blisterpack of Zofran (10 total). I'm feeling like absolute shit and I walk off to see if they have anything for me to grab to drink to rehydrate, they didn't, and then I sat for like 40 minutes waiting for them to fill my prescription just thinkin they had other shit they were doing since it's kinda later in the evening. Only after someone that showed up after me to wait got served did I go up to the counter and I overheard them whispering to each other further back that they put the wrong birthdate in and used [Deadname] [Current Last Name], a name I've never legally used. So another 15 minutes pass as they take the filled prescription back to repackage because the wrong fucking name is on it, all for a single blisterpack that could've been filled in 10 minutes at most. I"m super dizzy, dehydrated, nauseous the entire time. So fuck you CVS making an already incredibly shitty day even worse.