James Cameron is just a PMC pod person liberal. He built a bunker in New zealand and then made a movie about the Maori and how much he loves them (but he owns his land there, and don’t you forget it!).

  • JosefStainlessSteel [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    However, that isn’t what climate change science is actually all about, though it may feature heavily in that Limits to Growth book.

    Comm read the book Ultimate Resource 2, the eugenics movement in the 50s/60s was about Limits. That's why their publications were predominantly about Limiting growth (they are still about limiting growth but now not for resource scarcity but co2) or scaremongering about famines

    It was later that the Club of Rome settled on:

    The Common Enemy of Humanity Is Man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.

    -The First Global Revolution: A Report By The Council Of The Club of Rome

    • Budwig_v_1337hoven [he/him]
      1 year ago

      As I said, I have no doubt malthusians are willing and able to instrumentalize climate change science for their political goals, it is known. But you haven't done anything but vaguely gesturing at that possibility and the club of rome, which apparently did just that - coming to spectacular conclusions about climate change and climate change science in general, which just aren't supported by any of the specifics of your arguments, like at all. Not trying to debate bro here, I'm just genuinely puzzled how you could get to these conclusions from your information, it seems very irrational and borne from wishful thinking more than anything.

      I'm currently reading Capital Order by Mattei, but I'll chuck it on the reading list. Maybe I'll get to it, but as I said; not too concerned with resources to begin with, myself.

        • Budwig_v_1337hoven [he/him]
          1 year ago

          This author’s experience is that virtually all of your searches will debunk the claims of imminent catastrophe.

          :data-laughing: yea, I'm sure buddy, very science that is. Also, not sure who is claiming that a catastrophe is imminent, people are more like, worried about long-term trends in the coming decades, lol. One of the main problems is exactly that, that there is no 'singular point of catastrophe' on the horizon, but that it's a very slow, practically invisible process that very slowly diminishes the (human) habitat, especially around coasts and the equator.

          The dude's a retired nuclear physicist, Zharkova is an astrophysicist - do you, per chance, also read some climate change science papers written by actual climate scientists, or no?

          To me, it isn't a consolation to know that some thousand years ago there was a geological warming period, or that during the Jurassic period there was more CO2 in the atmosphere for a little bit, or that there's supposedly some unspecified correlation between sun spots and volcanic activity - I have heard all of these, literally every single one, of these talking points in the past from climate change denialists, and it comes as no surprise to me, that the people you apparently laud as authorities are platformed by such revolutionary proletarian institutions like the Epoch Times and Ian Miles Cheong lmao

          • JosefStainlessSteel [none/use name]
            1 year ago

            The dude’s a retired nuclear physicist, Zharkova is an astrophysicist - do you, per chance, also read some climate change science papers written by actual climate scientists, or no?

            You realise up until very recently even the concept of "climate science" was a spurious concept. There were just scientists who branched into different spheres of science because you can't study climate science purely on "it's own" without studying how solar flares heat the world and how solar maximum versus solar minimum cycles work.

            Well i mean you can trivially specialise like this but then you are no longer a "scientist" in any sense of the word but a weird pidgeon holed idiot only capable of giving your definitive opinions on "the wingspan of the blue spottled West-African pelican"

            I have heard all of these, literally every single one, of these talking points in the past from climate change denialists, and it comes as no surprise to me, that the people you apparently laud as authorities are platformed by such revolutionary proletarian institutions like the Epoch Times and Ian Miles Cheong lmao

            The socalled "climate deniers" are financed (in the West) by the industrial bourgeoisie that still want to see industrial growth (ie. capitalists still attached to the nation and it's people/culture etc and want to see industrial growth in their country)

            The ENTIRE Green Agenda is financed by the FINANCIAL bourgeoisie (ie. cosmopolitan imperialists who's power long ago rose above the nation and is based in transnational organiations/hold multiple passports etc that won't to stop growth at all costs, removed technical development and technique to maintain American monopolies).

            So you have a problem with small fry capitalists like I don't know the Koch brothers (and the people they're financing) but the Rockefellers (who created the United Nations) you have institutional trust and are very sure the IPCC (created by the UN) is a very trustworthy org despite the Climate Gate emails where they had to admit they falsified information for the famous hockey stick

            The data is crucial to the famous ‘hockey stick graph’ used by climate change advocates to support the theory.

            Professor Jones also conceded the possibility that the world was warmer in medieval times than now – suggesting global warming may not be a man-made phenomenon.

            And he said that for the past 15 years there has been no ‘statistically significant’ warming.


            The entire point of communism is developing the productive forces as rapidly as possible to smash the mode of production. Here's the communist manifesto.

            The proletariat will use its political supremacy to wrest, by degree, all capital from the bourgeoisie, to centralise all instruments of production in the hands of the State, i.e., of the proletariat organised as the ruling class; and to increase the total productive forces as rapidly as possible. https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/ch02.htm