I ain't buying 150$ Gazelles when they're a pain to wear anyways

  • TreadOnMe [none/use name]
    15 days ago

    Also this is besides the point, but the quality of brand name sneakers is and always has been shit. There is no incentive for them to make them well, because if you are buying for limited run or brand-name, then if your first pair gets destroyed they know you will just buy another one or the next hype, because you are not a very savvy consumer.

    I remember getting my hands on some authenticated 2015 Air Force 1s, while my friend got a knock off, and there was basically zero difference outside of insoles, which I replace anyways. It was my first time getting to compare these products literally side by side, and I have never bought authentic again.

  • came_apart_at_Kmart [he/him, comrade/them]
    15 days ago

    80% of the time I wear this pair of kick off canvas shoes that are junk, but literally cost me like $12 and comfortable from like freezing temps (with thick socks) up to 90°. I've had them for like 4 years.

    I used to try and have them to appear correct, but now I think fashion street shoes are an affected absurdity when the streets and paths are smooth, paved and clean.