It's me I have ADHD why are they so against meds

  • silent_water [she/her]
    2 years ago

    I don't need the meds to sit in a cubicle all day. I spent most of my life learning how to do that without the help of meds. it's that I can't do anything else. it doesn't matter if it's a 2 minute task or a 30 minute task. I either have to devote the whole day to it or I can't get my brain to switch and work on it at all. that's what the meds do for me - they make it easier for me to switch between tasks without the herculean effort it used to take me. so no, I don't think the end of capitalism will mean I get to stop medicating. the damage capitalism caused me has left a permanent effect on my mind and body.

    no joke, I sleep more consistently when I'm on stimulants just because they help me stay in bed long enough to actually fall asleep. when I'm off the meds I just get up and start doing something else without even realizing I've made that decision. x10 every night.

    • shimmer [undecided]
      2 years ago

      I hear this a lot. One of my struggles is that I switch tasks repeatedly because nothing holds my focus for more than a few minutes so I end up with a bunch of stuff half finished.