Thanks, shitheads. Glad you're able to eat burgers in restaurants and don't have to feel uncomfortable around your unmasked family members so people like me can have a much harder time.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    2 years ago

    In theory, you get your coworkers on board. But that requires doing some agitating and... being an agitator is fucking hard. Its awkward and touches a lot of nerves and requires a certain set of skills that need to be refined over time, often through the hard way. It also guarantees an open adversarial relationship with management that adds lots of stress.

    At the same time, if you're already in an openly adversarial relationship with your boss and there's an underlying sense of agitation due to the crazy workload...

    Its not a question of "everyone gets done later". A lot of it is simply clients piling up in the drive-through line and new people refusing to get in line because the wait is so intimidating. That cuts into store revenues without affecting the amount of time you spend doing your own job. If you really want to be aggressive about it, you can straight up put a warning sign in the window apologizing for the long wait times - thereby guaranteeing you reduce your customer load.

    You can also just... give food away for free or undercharge for it or otherwise fucking with the profitability of the business on the DL in a way that hurts management without subjecting you to the abuse of clients. But, again, all that hinges on the whole staff being "on board" so to speak. A tough first hurdle.