Hop in the discord and message an admin or speak in the main channel for details! I'll also try to respond here.

We select nations tomorrow (Sunday) and then we launch the following week (Sunday) and meet for three hours each Sunday until it concludes.

"Starting a new thematic campaign that guarantees both competition and cooperation for players of any experience level. This is not an elimination campaign and only friendly behavior tolerated, but we have competitive thematic scoring designed to keep you engaged for the whole campaign.

This campaign will focus on the Lions of the North DLC, and players will have different objectives depending on if you choose to play as a major power, a theological government, or a Hansa member.

The scoring system is designed to allow dramatic comebacks, and highlight the importance of even the most unlikely Duke. Performance ranking in the campaign leads into legacy mechanics of future GameTactica campaigns if you continue to play with us, and we certainly hope you will."