A classic survival horror experience set in a dystopian future where humanity has uncovered a dark secret. Unravel a cosmic mystery, escape terrifying creatures, and scavenge an off-world government facility as Elster, a technician Replika searching for her lost dreams.
Not affiliated with the developer or anything. Thinking I'll pick this one up.
The story, characters, and aesthetic are amazing, and the game is fun, but it just sucks that it has that anticommunist slant. I cried at the true ending, but I don't enjoy thinking about the game afterwards, like an offputting aftertaste. Sad.
The story, characters, and aesthetic are amazing, and the game is fun, but it just sucks that it has that anticommunist slant. I cried at the true ending, but I don't enjoy thinking about the game afterwards, like an offputting aftertaste. Sad.