Finally picked up Grapes of Wrath, and damn is it good. Steinbeck has such beautiful prose when he's not writing southern dialect.
What other classics are still compelling today? If it's any help, I don't really dig Vonnegut, Asimov, and Huxley.
Finally picked up Grapes of Wrath, and damn is it good. Steinbeck has such beautiful prose when he's not writing southern dialect.
What other classics are still compelling today? If it's any help, I don't really dig Vonnegut, Asimov, and Huxley.
You said you don't like Asimov but Foundation is so good it's like Dialectical Materialism: The Sci Fi Story
Fundamentally changed my understanding of the world, in the best way.
I did read Asimov a lot as kid, not Foundation though. That I picked up only when I was a Marxist and its gender roles and great man theory did chafe me the wrong way. Though I am happy that it works for you and Green Tea :)
What great man theory? The only great man applicable would be Seldon and all he did was The Math, everything else was based on any needed individuals arising as a result of material circumstances, which drive everything, which is the opposite of great man theory?
I may try it at a later date, but I, Robot was pretty meh compared to its reputation.