the bags are nice, i wish i could buy oat milk in bags. Bags are nice for houses that go through a lot of milk.
World without milk bags: if you're low on milk then you buy another 4L jug, and then have 8L of space in your fridge taken by milk (the in-use jug, and the full unopened jug).
World with milk bags: 3 per pack for total of 4L. if you're running low on milk and buy another 4L of reserve milk, then you only have 5.133L of space taken up by milk in your fridge (4L of new milk, and 1.33L taken by the currently in use bag)
Plus it comes in bags
Wallenberg suffering
the bags are nice, i wish i could buy oat milk in bags. Bags are nice for houses that go through a lot of milk.
World without milk bags: if you're low on milk then you buy another 4L jug, and then have 8L of space in your fridge taken by milk (the in-use jug, and the full unopened jug).
World with milk bags: 3 per pack for total of 4L. if you're running low on milk and buy another 4L of reserve milk, then you only have 5.133L of space taken up by milk in your fridge (4L of new milk, and 1.33L taken by the currently in use bag)