Not tagging this spoiler cause fuck TERFs, don't buy the game, uphold TC69 Thought etc. Have gotten this all from the above article and reviews that support it.

Yep, anti-semitic, slave-owning, Protocols of Zion plagiarising, let's join the anti-goblin pogrom game.

Yes the MacGuffin unambiguously belongs to the Goblins, who have a labour theory of ownership. No you can't join the Goblins. Yes you kill a bunch of them. Yes, there is a fucking quisling that's seen as good actually. Yes, every teacher thinks fighting the goblins is a good thing, despite a few token missions that apparently show how oppressed they are.

No, you never critique that this and every other aspect of the wizard world might be a bad thing.

I am once again calling for the House Elves to rise up, slit every slaver-wizard throat in Hogwarts, and place their heads on pikes outside the entrance as a warning to the others.

Don't. Buy. The TERF. Game.

  • ItsPequod [he/him]
    1 year ago

    But the monarchy is never overthrown by Scar! The extant power structures remain, in fact the Hyenas do basically nothing with regards to the coup, he becomes king through the machinations of hereditary monarchy not revolution and they just serve as his loyal warrior class to do his state violence as implicated by his line "of course, quid pro quo, it's expected/ to take certain duties on board" while making a throat cutting gesture. Besides that he also makes clear their material advancement is dependant entirely on his ascension to King, and without his say they wouldn't get anything and the masses wouldn't tolerate their violence and the Lions wouldn't tolerate their competition. Clearly represented by the barren wasteland that follows given Scar's irresponsible and illegal regency.

    You are an evil monster if you try to make anything better, the way things are is the perfect sacred and just order.

    This ignores that... Scar isn't trying to make anything better? Again, he's nakedly trying to make a power move thru assassination and using the Hyenas to secure power. He's not redistributing things equally, he's just letting them run rampant on the peasantry themselves.

    • World_Wario_II [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Yes, it played out exactly like Animal Farm where the revolution wasn’t a “real revolution” - one of the most common anti-communist tropes. Liberals pretend like the issue they have with communism is that it didn’t go far enough, or that the leaders are actually selfish bourgeois themselves who will wear red but act identically. As if Liberals would be fine with a revolution if it instituted a harsher and more strict red terror and redistribution. They will complain about the revolution going too far and not far enough simultaneously because they are bad faith fascists.

      Not surprising at all to see a common anti-communist trope in a Disney movie. Scar is Killmonger, he is the dastardly lying dictator hiding behind good rhetoric, which is what libs believe all communist leaders are.

      • Cromalin [she/her]
        1 year ago

        except this is a dispute between nobles. animal farm was "the proletariat rises up and becomes just as bad as the aristocracy" and this is "one aristocrat is worse than another". hardly the same thing as black panther

        • World_Wario_II [he/him]
          1 year ago

          Hyenas changed their entire class position, their lives were all materially changed. Land and resources were redistributed (to disastrous ends, as it is Disney). The social hierarchy was, in fact, upended just like Scar promised.

          If it were merely an inter-Lion dispute then some of Mufasa’s pride would have sided with Scar and done a palace coup. Instead we saw a new species ascendent. It is shown that the Hyenas are a big part of the reason the pridelands went to hell, not just Scar’s “unjust and illegal rule”.

          One class getting out of rank and jumping above their station lead to the ruination of all. That’s a clear fucking lesson to know your place and stay in it.