• LGOrcStreetSamurai [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The only person I know who is "financial independent" is because of his labor selling. He has worked for ~15 years in video editing/production as his "side-hustle"/Freelancer while working at a MEGACORP on the 9-5 like most people.

    He hasn't done any fancy financial/banking schemes just regular saving. Doesn't live like a king but he gets to put in minimal effort into his 9-5 cause of his freelancing. I would imagine it's also because of the time he was doing was in the early 2000's and 2010's before the proliferation of lot of software that makes it a lot easier these days.

    He gets to live his late 40's doing what he likes to do and working on projects he likes without having to count his chips. He doesn't have a "passive income" (if anything has a very "active income") he just has enough squared away that he doesn't really have to sweat bills anymore so long as he doesn't do anything too crazy. That's ideally how I'd like my future to be. Just having enough to do what I want and not have to do the 9-5.