g*mer influence has corrupted our culture

  • Eris235 [undecided]
    2 years ago

    I dunno dawg, if people like the interpolation, then they like it. You can angrily tell them why they're wrong, but its not going to stop people from 'remastering' content to make it look better to them. He even said that when he 'ruined' his own animation with interpolation AI as a joke, some people unironically liked it. So yeah, he might think its shit, but others clearly disagree.

    I don't really care about animation as a medium myself, so like, I really don't care either way. The guy that made the video has something of a point about artist intent, but at the same point, once something is released to the public, you kinda gotta let it go that people are going to interpret it the way they want, even in 'wrong' ways. Like, I guess we can ridicule people that use and like it, but I dunno, I still they some people are gonna anyway.

      • Eris235 [undecided]
        2 years ago

        Eh, you're right about HFCS and Ford Pickups.

        But those are either sold cheaper than alternatives (or their are no alternatives at your store), or are heavily advertised for.

        This AI interpolation thing is free software fans and tinkerers are applying to 'improve' their favorite products.

        This is the equivalent of someone buying a bottle of straight HFCS and pouring that on their pancakes instead of maple syrup. Is it weird? Kinda, yeah, but at the same point, I just don't have any issue with people doing this if they enjoy it. Like, its all digital. It doesn't produce anything (beyond the electricity their computer would probably be using anyway). It has no health or environmental effects. They're not like, paying money to Disney or whatever, so its already better than going to see a marvel movie.